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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More Than You Could Ever Know

Who You Are?

Challenge yourself with something you know you could never do, and what you''ll find is that you can overcome anything. By attempting something really difficult and outside of your comfort zone, you will discover how strong you really are.

Challenge yourself to to better and better everyday. Remember, growth start with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Negative Emotion, Please let me GO!!!!!

Negative Emotion can be described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself and others, and take away your confidence.

Negative Emotion stops us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. When this happen, we tend to see what we only wanted to see & remember what we only wanted to remember. This will only cause anger or grief and prevents us from enjoying our life.

The longer this goes on, the bigger problems will become. Dealing with this inappropriate way may cause harmful to yourself. 

I don't really like the feeling of being doubt, jealousy, frustration and despair. Its make my life miserable, obnoxious and desperate. I've tried to overcome my negative emotions and I felt bless, grateful and delighted that I'm almost free from this "parasite". Once you conquer this, your life will become more positive and you will feel grateful with yourself and the people around you.

Here some of the tips that I used to Let Go My Negative Emotions:

1- Know that you are in charge of your life - you are in charge of your thoughts - you are in charge of your health - you are in charge of your happiness. There is nothing anyone can do or say to you to hurt you when you become emotionally free.

2- Make time in your life to clear your head of all the negative thoughts that are going on day in day out. 

3- Start by being aware of the reactions you have to people, to situations that are in your life daily.

4- Ask yourself, "Am I happy with this person, with this situation." Know that if you're not then the person or situation is pressing your emotional buttons and in turn lowering your energy, and eventually causing illnesses.

5- Make time for you! Take responsibility, stop condemning the other person or situation just for five minutes.

6-Get yourself a large note book and a pen. Sit down in a place where you are not going to be disturbed.

7-Think about what it is that is annoying you - hurting you - angering you.

8-Head your paper with the following. I am angry because - I am hurt because - I am disappointed because - I am sad because - you may think of other headings.

 9-Take one of the above and brainstorm - keep writing until you cannot think of anything else to write. I am hurt because Mary said I looked a mess. I am hurt because she is so unkind to me. I am hurt because she doesn't criticize other people - only me. I am hurt because she picks on me all the time. So on........ until nothing else comes to mind.

10-Choose another sentence and brain storm again. I am angry Mary dares to criticize me. I am angry that she has the audacity to treat me this way. I am angry that she treats me as if I am totally incapable - and so on.

11-Cover every sentence until you cannot think of anything else to say. You may find you sigh during the process - that's a good inclination that you are getting it all out of your mind.

12-Notice after you have done this exercise how all the thoughts have gone, leaving your mind clear and you more feel emotionally free. If the thoughts haven't all gone then know there is still more work to do.

13-Spend time each day cleaning out your mind of all unwanted thoughts - even from your past. If you have some resentments that are still lingering know that they are lowering your energy and leading and/or will lead to some form of ill health.