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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Are You Positive Enough?

There are some people who like to consider their self as positive and open minded person but when something had happen that don't really suite to their mind, they just believe it was wrong. There was nothing wrong with the world, is just the human being that commit wrong to the world. Because of us this beautiful world has turn into a scariest living place.

We can choose to be who we are, who we wanted to be, what we wanted to do and which path that you choose to get throughout your life. You are what you think you are. So always be careful for what you think cause sometime it can bring you in to a bad situations. Choose wisely.

Your own self really do need to be grooming. They just don't come in a perfect package. Learn to be perfect is way better.You should have goal in your life. Without something to hold on to, your life will be like a balloon without anything attached to.

This is what i do to start being positive:

1. Love yourself first.
2. Live in the present moment.
3. Don’t ignore the past.
4. Look for the good in everyone.
5. Don’t believe everything you think.
6. Be honest with yourself.
7. Do what you enjoy doing.
8. Give back to others.
9. Practice patience.
10. Don’t avoid conflict.
11. Know what really matters.
12. Learn to say no.
13. Learn to say yes.
14. Create positive rituals.
15. Find something to believe in.
16. Accept what you cannot change.
17. Don’t try to change others.
18. Stand up for yourself.
19. Be grateful for what you have.
20. Avoid judgments and stereotypes.
21. Expect good things.
22. Be open-minded.
23. Find a positive outlet.
24. Use positive language.
25. Take chances.
26. Don’t sabotage your happiness.
27. Find your voice and listen to it.
28. Surround yourself with positive people.
29. Believe in your ability to change your life.
30. Don’t compare yourself to others.
31. Ask for help.
32. Take life one day at a time.
33. Treat others how they want to be treated.
34. Don’t let fear hold you back.
35. Avoid complaining.
36. Don’t create unnecessary drama.
37. Stop making excuses.
38. Get rid of mental clutter.
39. Get rid of physical clutter.
40. Set up clear boundaries.
41. Seek out opportunities.
42. Don’t take things personally.
43. Celebrate the little things.
44. Trust your intuition.
45. Help others help themselves.
46. Be a good listener.
47. Don’t take life so seriously.
48. Pick your battles.
49. Highlight your strengths.
50. Reclaim your muchness.
51. Look for beauty everywhere.
52. Let go of what you don’t need.
53. Work hard and play hard.
54. Know your life has a purpose.
55. Greet yourself with love.
56. Acknowledge when you are wrong.
57. Pay attention to what your body is saying.
58. Take calming time-outs.
59. See the world as it is.
60. Don’t wait for someday.
61. Look for learning opportunities.
62. Know your personal limits.
63. Make time to play.
64. Don’t settle. Ever.
65. Don’t waste time on hate and envy.
66. Agree to disagree.
67. Don’t assume you know what others think.
68. Handle stress positively.
69. Inspire yourself – and others.
70. Do your best in everything.
71. Turn your face to the sun.
72. Stop wanting to be what you’re not.
73. Know that you are not alone.
74. Pay attention to “I am…”
75. Be your own hero.